
As members of the Board of Directors of Bexar Men, we hereby certify that these are the Bylaws of the club approved this date on March 29, 2004 and amended Sept 20, 2016.
CHAPTER 1- General

Section 1.1 Name
The name of this organization shall be Bexar Men. 
Section 1.2 Purpose
The club is a social organization created to bring MEN who are nudists together for friendship, fellowship, and share common interests. The purpose of the club is to sponsor and promote social and recreational activities for its members.

CHAPTER 2- Bylaws

Section 2.1 Changes to bylaws
These bylaws may be changed (amended or repealed) at any time at a regular or called board meeting of the Board of Directors (otherwise known as BOD). Proposed changes shall be presented in writing at a regular BOD meeting. A motion must be passed to place the proposed changes on the agenda of the next regular board meeting. The proposed changes will be published in the newsletter at least 10 days prior to the next BOD meeting when the vote is to be taken. A 2/3 majority vote of those board members present is sufficient to approve changes, amendments or repeals by the elected board members.
CHAPTER 3- Membership

Section 3.1 Members
1.  To be a member, one must be twenty-one (21) years of age or older and must agree to comply with these bylaws, complete a membership application and pay the initial membership fees.
2. Membership applications will ask for identifying information such as a name, address, telephone number, email address and birth date.  The applicant is required to sign the application to certify that he is over (21) years of age.
3.  All applicants must either attend an orientation meeting with board members or be a guest at a party prior to acceptance of membership.  If there are any extenuating circumstances the board may make an exception to this requirement.
4.  All members are obligated to host or co-host at least one (1) party a year to maintain their membership obligations.
5.  If a member is unable to co-host a party during a calendar year, he shall pay a supplemental fee of $20 to alleviate the responsibility of hosting or co-hosting.
6.  The BOD reserves the right to request identification from an applicant or member with proof of age, such as a drivers' license or other documents.
Section 3.2 Affiliated Clubs
1.  We honor the membership of visiting out of town affiliated club members at all functions.
2.  They may attend as a guest as long as they abide and adhere to our organization bylaws.
3.  If they wish to receive a monthly newsletter, they MUST become a fully paid member.
CHAPTER 4- Meetings

Section 4.1 Scheduling and Conduct of Meetings
1.  The BOD shall hold regular meetings at a time and date to be determined by the BOD.
2.  A majority of BOD may call special meetings.
3.  Notice of all regular and special meetings should be issued to all BOD members.
4.  The BOD shall use Robert's Rules of Order as a guide in conducting meetings.
5.  Only BOD members may vote in any business meeting.6.  Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, approval of any action requires a simple majority of the BOD present.
Section 4.2 Quorum
1.  To conduct official business at any meeting a quorum shall consist of one more that one half of total membership of the BOD.
2.  The total membership of the Board will be comprised of eight (8) regular board members and two (2) alternates.

CHAPTER 5- Board of Directors and Officers

Section 5.1 Board of Directors
1.  The officers of this organization include President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant at Arms, Membership Coordinator, Social Coordinator, Newsletter Editor and (2) Alternate Members.
Section 5.2 Term of Office
1.  The term of the BOD shall be from the January to January.
2.  There is no limit to how many consecutive terms a BOD member may serve. Section 5.3 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
1.  Schedules a calendar of social events for the club, which will be published on a monthly
2.  Plans and executes social events for the club.
3. Coordinates and keeps records of all correspondence to and from the club, including newsletters.
4.  Creates, appoints and chairs committees when appropriate.
5.  Facilitates the regular board meetings.
6.  Keeps records of the minutes from all meetings of the BOD.
7.  Maintains membership records including a members’ database and mailing lists.
8.  Keeps the club checkbook, writes checks for expenses and keeps record of membership dues.
Section 5.4 Election of Board of Directors
1.  Election for members of the Board of Directors will be held at the January social event.
2.  Any member in good standing is eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. Members interested in serving shall make their interest known to a current Board Member PRIOR to the January social and have their due paid.
3.  Those serving on the current Board of Directors who choose to stand for re-election plus
any Members in good standing will comprise the ballot.  All candidates seeking election will be introduced to the attending members at the social before the ballot sheets are handed out.  Members will circle the candidates of their choice and turn in the ballot for counting. The results of the voting will be announced to the attending members before the conclusion of the party.
4.  The newly elected Board of Directors will meet with the out-going Board at the first meeting
following the January social.
Section 5.5 Handling a vacant position on the Board of Directors
1.  If a BOD position becomes vacant for any reason, the remaining BOD members may appoint a member to that position, and he will serve until the next election.
Section 5.6: Removal of a BOD member.
    1. A member of the BOD who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the BOD without prior notification shall be removed from the BOD and the position be declared vacant.
    2. The vacant BOD position shall be filled at the next general meeting of Bexar Men, and the term will be until the following January.
CHAPTER 6-Financial Matters

Section 6.1 Fiscal Year
1. The fiscal year of the club shall be January 1 through December 31. 
Section 6.2 Dues1.  There shall be annual membership dues of $20.00.
2.  An additional assessment of $20.00 shall be levied upon renewing members who have failed to host or co-host a function in the previous calendar year (January – December)
3.  Renewal dues along with an updated membership application must be submitted prior to the MARCH function. Membership must be paid in full.
4.  Dues for new members will be pro-rated for the first year.
5.  The BOD must approve all expenditures.
6.  New prospective members may only attend one function per year as a guest.7.  Effective October 1, 2016, there will be a $5 fee to attend a social with food participation and a $10 fee without food participation.

CHAPTER 7- Membership Information

Section 7.1 Confidentiality of Member Information
1.  Members must give their individual permission prior to the board publication of any personal or identifying information in any form, such as postal address and phone numbers.
2.  Members shall keep any such published person or identifying information confidential and shall not release such published information outside the club.
3.  Member MAY NOT use any membership information for their own personal convenience. 
Section 7.2 Unauthorized Release of Confidential Information Penalty
1.  A member may be removed from membership for violating the provision of this club.